Minggu, 04 April 2010

$ 94,424 in 30 days

Forget expensive pay per click, tricky PPV and time consuming SEO and re-discover The Amazing traffic secrets Super Affiliates and Fortune 500 companies use to flood their websites with ultra cheap high converting clicks... If you’ve ever wanted to see your sites and affiliate offers flooded with hyper targeted server crushing traffic that 99% of other marketers don’t even know about, then this is the most important letter you will ever read. Here’s why: About 2 years ago, and totally on a whim, I decided to give banner advertising a try through Google's content network. To be honest it was a half-hearted test... but the results truly blew me away. So much so that I instantly closed down all my PPC campaigns (even those making me $1500 a day), and threw my time into something that was insanely more profitable... Banners... I know right now that might sound practically ludicrous, but banners drive around 85% of ALL paid traffic, crushing Google, Yahoo and MSN combined... and the traffic is dirt cheap, massively abundant and high converting. By the time you are done reading this letter, you will understand beyond the shadow of a doubt why 99% of internet marketers neglect to use them, and how the 1% that do can get incredibly rich incredibly fast... Case in point, the last 30 days have seen me get $94,424. richer, have a look...

click here to get it

How I went from minimum wage to $126,510,74 A Month

"The sad story of how all this came about..."
2 years ago (like I told you in the video) I was in the exact same spot you’re in right now. (Well, maybe I had it even worse... )
By day, my job was helping people move furniture.
No, not moving a full house, that job was for the “big guns”.
I was lower d
own than that so to speak, I literally helped people move that old sofa, or get rid of that old table... stuff like that.
I earned minimum wage (about $10 an hour) and worked 10 – 13 hour shifts, 6 sometimes 7 days a week (people liked to move on weekends).
Suffice to say, I hated every second of it.
... Which led me to start looking at some career alternatives, which then (and you can guess what happened next)...
Led me to discover good ole’ internet marketing!
So around this time, (by night- as I still worked in the day)...
We find me trying to get my start online...
And let me tell you, I was a textbook case study...
I bought all the courses, tried every system and stayed up pretty much every night trying to make something happen... my desperation for a result increasing with each dollar I spent.
Anyway, so pretty soon I had websites. That was easy. In fact, it only took me a few hours to make the actual websites themselves...
And heck, soon I found out you don’t even need your own website AT ALL!
Because if you do affiliate marketing, I found out you can just directly link to whatever product you were promoting!
I was putting in a lot of hours for nothing it seemed, and it sucked, BIG TIME.
But maybe worst of all:
I started to feel humiliated. Like a failure.
I knew my family and friends were laughing at me the whole time... Saying this whole make money on the internet thing was a total pipedream... That I should start focusing on a “real” career.
But I knew there was only ONE thing stopping me: Traffic.
And I wasn’t about to give up trying just yet. So I set out on a journey: to master how to “get it”....
From zero visitors a month, to over 450 THOUSAND visitors in one month... And that’s to only ONE site of mine (granted, one of my biggest ones).
And how much money has that traffic made me?

"George is the REAL DEAL..."

"I've worked with George in various aspects on both his Google Sniper project and Traffic Ultimatum.

When I tell you George really walks the walk... I mean it!

A lot of my customers claim to be "gurus" but George is the REAL DEAL when it comes to what he teaches. In fact I'd say he knows better than anyone how to drive SERIOUS traffic to a website and indeed ultimately make hoards of money online!

You can't ask for better training than by following Traffic Ultimatum... I'm just surprised he's willing to release some of this stuff ... It's that effective!"

click here to go

Now Just Check Out What Our Customers Have To Say About Us And Our Previous Products...

"Starting To Consistently Make Money Online..."

My first exposure to doing anything on the internet was when I tried to create a website for my Dad's business. I soon started my own websites and got caught up in the "make money online" whirlpool. I spent literally thousands on all sorts of different products and the next big thing trying to make that crucial break through.

Then along came Tim and Steve. I started with Commission Blueprint and had a small amount of success. But then they released Niche Blueprint (I am in Australia and got up at 3am just to make sure I didn't miss out). Niche Blueprint was different to anything I had every seen before and actually worked! I was finally starting to consistently make money online.

And then along came SEM Business Blueprint... and WOW! It all finally clicked. They explained everything so clearly (as they always do) and provided me with everything I needed to start my very own consulting business. Now it is only a matter of time before I get enough clients to quit my "day job"... all thanks to Tim and Steve.

Thanks guys. I will gladly recommend ANY of your products to anyone interested in marketing online.

click here to get it

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